Embracing Voices world premier

Do I ever have news!

Finally, after 5 long years of blood sweat and video cassettes, my documentary Embracing Voices – The woman behind the music of Jane Bunnett (aka “labour of love”) is ready for the world.

I’m excited to announce the world premier will be part of the wonderful NXNE music and film festival.  It couldn’t be a better venue for such a film, being in Jane’s hometown of Toronto, and being Canada’s biggest and bested music festival.

If you are in the area, please join me and Jane and a slew of musicians (who’ll be playing before the screening) on Wednesday June 13th starting at 6:30 pm(screening at 7) at The Royal theatre at 608 College st. Tickets can be purchased at the door from 6pm, or NXNE to purchase a wrist band for $25 which will get you in to another 39 music related films!

There will also a secret after party with lots more live music, with the location to be announce after the screening.

But film isn’t everything is it?

I’ve just returned from yet another excellent photo tour of SICILY. What an amazing and diverse group of people. Seems like some just can’t get enough of my “home country”.  This being the second Sicily photo tour for three of the participants. If you want to go to Sicily, all you have to do is ask, and your wish will be my command.

Central Italy (Umbria, Tuscany and Rome) - OCTOBer 1-10 2012 
This tour promises photographic diversity, creative growth and a sampling of some of Italy’s finest wine and food. The 9 night tour will explore Central Italy with stops along the way in places such as Orvieto, Spello, Assisi, Perugia, and the Val d’Orcia area of Tuscany for those undeniably magical misty rolling hills. Last but not least, the tour will end with 3 nights in Rome where we will explore the city where my interest in night photography was inspired by incredible and creative light sculpted upon ancient architecture. 9nights, 6 participants, 1000s of pixels. More info here…

Rajasthan - February 2013
I came back from my winter trip to India, pleased as punch. I met old friends, and made new ones. I spent days on end capturing images in the streets and found ways to captivate strangers with my lens. I love India, and can’t wait to share Rajasthan with like-minded photographers next winter. More info here…

HOLLAND - APRIL 17-26 2013
Holland is great big giant skies; Mountains of air, misunderstood landscapes. Early spring is the time for bulbs, lively livid skies, bursting fields of colour. Of course there are quaint towns, ancient windmills, and the fabulous Bok spring beer to enjoy as well. Join me and Dutch explorer of the lesser-known, Hans Eikelenboom, for 9 nights in places such as Haarlem, Amsterdam, Leiden, Texel Island, Marken and Bergen, where we will discover sand dunes, marshes, markets, sleepy villages, street life, night life, flea markets, gritty city and more.
Just a few spots left so please reserve your spot soon!

"I could reflect on many moments from the Venice tour but one in particular stands out and represents what makes the creative process, for me, so special.  We were standing on the Accademia Bridge one night and Elisa was helping me with the settings on my camera in order to experiment with special effects. After a period of rapid fire exchanges and changes in camera settings, resulting in shots of some of the most amazing combinations of colours and imagery I have ever captured, I experienced feelings of utter joy. It doesn't get any better than that." Karen Dolan (Sicily 12 and Venice 11)

"They say that time changes things, but actually you have to change them yourself." - Andy Warhol

© 2012 Elisa Paloschi
Email Elisa visit Elisa Paloschi Photography or Eyesfull Films