Hello friends and photographers,
The weather has been intensely beautiful here in Toronto - the kind of days where the light is perfect and the sun beckons you to venture out of doors to explore the winter shadows.  I’ve been waiting for snow though, and a frozen lake, which has been impossible to find this year. So instead, here is a photo from a few years ago, the first, and the only winter that I spent the entire season in Canada.
Sicily May 2012
If you are looking for a creative release for your pent up winter energy, you’ll be happy to hear that there has been a cancelation on the Sicily tour in May. With one space now available, why not put your name on it? Read more here…

Central Italy (Umbria, Tuscany and Rome) september/october 2012 
This tour promises photographic diversity, creative growth and a sampling of some of Italy’s finest wine and food. The 10 night tour will explore Central Italy with stops along the way in places such as Orvieto, Spello, Assisi, Perugia, and the Val d’Orcia area of Tuscany for those undeniably magical misty rolling hills. Last but not least, the tour will end with 3 nights in Rome where we will explore my favourite photographic haunts (this is the city where I first became seriously serious about photography some 27 years ago). 10 nights, 6 participants, 1000s of pixels. This tour will be taking the place of the previously scheduled Tuscany tour. More info here…

Rajasthan February 2013
Yes, India in the winter is tempting, so much so that I’m on my way there! If you’d like to join me next year in February for the colour-culture-creative time of your life, then read the details here. More info here…

I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciated the preparation and organization that you put into your tours.  The hotel accommodations, travel and other arrangements were top notch.  The small group added to the enjoyment and created a close "family" feeling.  The combination of architecture, street and landscape photography was a good balance and really allowed me to get to know the areas visited.  The agenda was full but the pace allowed time to really explore the photographic possibilities fully.  I certainly will be signing up for more of your trips in the future.
Jim Hamilton (Sicily 09, Tuscany 10, North Italy and Venice 11)

Embracing Voices
Great news, we have reached our goal on Indiegogo! Thank you very much for your support, it really is heart warming to see that so many people believe in this film and in Jane’s story as much as I do. There’s still much work to be done before the film is released, but each day we are getting closer to completion. More info here...

Wishing you a pixel-heavy winter, Elisa

Half the fun of the travel is the esthetic of lostness. - Ray Bradbury

© 2012 Elisa Paloschi
Email Elisa visit Elisa Paloschi Photography or Eyesfull Films